
Being motivated, having confidence within yourself and having someone else have confidence in you,
having the support and encouragement to try is what being #CHEERFITSTRONG is about.

“Hey Mom, Let’s work out!”

I see this in my daughter, Savannah, who has been an ambassador since July 2016. When she came
up to me one day and said “hey mom, let’s work out,” I admit I was a bit skeptical. Okay, I take that back,
I was rather hesitant. I am not in the best shape, would rather do a million things other than get my
“fitness” on, but I gave in. We started on out with stretching and watching the CHEERFIT Training DVD,
we did some walking everynight when it was nice out (we live in NY…it gets cold fast). We put on some
workout music and do our workout routine. Savannah is 10 and she is keeping a log of my progress

When you have someone else to help you along the way, it really makes this thing called a workout a lot
more fun. Trust me, as you get older it’s a lot harder than it seems to get motivated and find the energy
to put in the work. Cheerleaders certainly do know how to pump you up and encourage you to keep
going and push yourself. Plus it doesn’t hurt if that very cheerleader happens to be your daughter.

So get out there Cheer Moms! Join the CHEERFIT Movement with your cheerleader and discover that you can also be…


Tara Hulett

A mom of three.  My two daughters have been cheering since they were each two years old.  I’ve been a “Cheer Mom” for eleven years and going strong.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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