How My Daughter Inspired Me to Get #CHEERFITSTRONG

How My Daughter Inspired Me to Get #CHEERFITSTRONG

Being motivated, having confidence within yourself and having someone else have confidence in you,
having the support and encouragement to try is what being #CHEERFITSTRONG is about.

“Hey Mom, Let’s work out!”

I see this in my daughter, Savannah, who has been an ambassador since July 2016. When she came
up to me one day and said “hey mom, let’s work out,” I admit I was a bit skeptical. Okay, I take that back,
I was rather hesitant. I am not in the best shape, would rather do a million things other than get my
“fitness” on, but I gave in. We started on out with stretching and watching the CHEERFIT Training DVD,
we did some walking everynight when it was nice out (we live in NY…it gets cold fast). We put on some
workout music and do our workout routine. Savannah is 10 and she is keeping a log of my progress

When you have someone else to help you along the way, it really makes this thing called a workout a lot
more fun. Trust me, as you get older it’s a lot harder than it seems to get motivated and find the energy
to put in the work. Cheerleaders certainly do know how to pump you up and encourage you to keep
going and push yourself. Plus it doesn’t hurt if that very cheerleader happens to be your daughter.

So get out there Cheer Moms! Join the CHEERFIT Movement with your cheerleader and discover that you can also be…


Tara Hulett

A mom of three.  My two daughters have been cheering since they were each two years old.  I’ve been a “Cheer Mom” for eleven years and going strong.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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Insider Tips & Secrets for Stretching

Insider Tips & Secrets for Stretching

Have you ever heard of a cheerleader being TOO flexible? Didn’t think so! Flexibility is a key component in this sport, and it is certainly not just a term we use for our flyers! All cheerleaders need the flexibility to be well-rounded athletes, and there are many exercises and stretches you can do to gain flexibility in all areas.

As a coach and cheer mom, I put together some of my favorite tips for you:

This is CHEERFIT Ambassador, Gabrielle. The photo on the left was Gabrielle’s toe touch in January. After committing to resistance stretching and jump exercises for just 8 weeks, she was able to increase her jump flexibility to the photo taken on the right in March.


If you are feeling “stuck” with your flexibility, the first step would be to work on your core and the muscles surrounding the area you’d like to become more flexible. Many times, the core is not strong enough and the muscles are too weak to excel in some areas so stretching needs to come as an addition to a regimented conditioning program. Think of the stretching as the icing on the cake to strong, conditioned muscles. For example, if you have all of your splits but still don’t have high jumps, you may need to work your hip flexors, core, calf muscles, and even shoulders to get your jump height and flexibility to the next level!


The best way to increase flexibility is to stick to a conditioning and stretching schedule and be held accountable for yourself. The exercises you do at practice are probably not enough to see a drastic difference, and so I recommend you take extra classes that your gym may offer or work out at home for optimal results.


  • I have made a weekly stretch calendar for my flyers in the past, and a parent needs to sign it each night.
  • If you take a “before” photo of yourself, you’ll be more motivated to reach your goal and super proud when you compare your “after” photo weeks later!

Be patient and stay focused and remember you will not see results overnight. All well trained athletes have a plan that they stick to, and a positive mindset and a determined attitude will help get you on track. Do not give up; it is always harder to get started than it is to finish. Keep your head high, and do not let yourself down!


My last tip is to take help where you can get it!

Here are some ideas:

  • Does your gym offer stretching classes?  
  • Pick up a pair of ankle weights or resistance bands to further enhance the stretching process as well.
  • How about asking mom or dad for help at home with assisted stretching, or find a workout partner!

It is more effective to stretch with assistance because it widens the range of motion and deepens the stretch for more effectiveness!

Use a panel mat for over splits if you already have your splits. Use a wall to walk up and down in bridges, and for balance when stretching or pulling body positions. Use a trampoline for increasing power and flexibility in your jumps.

These two photos show the improvement in flexibility from Alaina from Premier All Stars. The first photo was taken in July when Alaina first entered the world of all star cheer. The second photo was taken in March when Alaina had been committing to two flyer stretch classes a week at her gym.

There are plenty of resources for you to become a more flexible athlete. Don’t forget to put your CHEERFIT membership to use by putting on an archived workout video and having fun while improving your flexibility!

And there you have it! My favorite ideas and tips to help you improve and advance.


s currently a coach at Premier All Stars in Morganville, NJ. She has coached cheerleading for 19 years, at all ages and levels, and is well educated and highly experienced in all areas of cheer. Pictured is Jen with her 3 daughters Kaylee, Gianna, and Gabriella, who all cheer for Premier as well.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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What to Do if Your Cheerleader Gets Injured Mid Season

What to Do if Your Cheerleader Gets Injured Mid Season

Imagine this: it’s mid-season. The team is doing well. The kids have bonded, they are hitting fullouts. They may even have a few wins in competitions. That Summit or Worlds bid is in sight. Then, one day, it all comes to a screeching halt: INJURY!!!!

Oh no, the “I” word. The one word we try to keep out of our vocabulary when it comes to cheer. Injuries happen whether we like it or not. Some of the most common areas injured in cheer include knees, ankles, and backs. These injuries include traumatic injuries (such as tearing an ACL in tumbling, falling from a stunt / being fallen on, other tumble injuries) and overuse injuries (occur due to repetitive strain from too much time spent tumbling, stunting or just participating in cheer).  Regardless of how the injury occurs, the unfortunate consequences include not being able to practice and compete with the team.


In addition to being a certified cheer mom, I am also a physical therapist.  Part of why my daughter is a CHEERFIT Ambassador is because I know that keeping her strong and conditioned is the best way to prevent injury. I know all the statistics, and exercises to do (if you’d like to read more about this click HERE). I have become that go-to person in the gym for athletes, parents, and coaches when injury occurs. I am typically the voice of reason. However, that all changed when my daughter broke her ankle a year ago. All of a sudden my personal and professional worlds collided and I didn’t know how to handle it.

So before you read any further, please understand that I can relate to each of you. I have been that mom with all the fears and worries.

What are some steps you can take to help your child recover properly from injury?


The best way to deal with injury is to prevent them. Programs such as CHEERFIT exist to give cheerleaders the strength, endurance, power and flexibility to handle the demands of their sport. Conditioning and proper technique are essential to preventing overuse injuries, in addition to using proper technique, getting appropriate rest and having good nutrition.


Injury is not a time for a vacation from cheer. Athletes who are injured should still go to practice and participate in being a member of the team. Keeping their mental game in check and staying on top of changes in the routine will help them transition back quicker. Keeping up with exercises not involving the injured body part help maintain or even improve physical conditioning. Have an arm injury? Do exercises to improve jump height. Have a leg injury? Do upper body exercise to keep those arms strong. Maintain flexibility through stretching. Work on abdominal strength.


The best way to ensure your child comes back quickly and safely is to participate in recommended exercises for rehabilitation. Find a physical therapist, and if you can, one that specializes in kids with orthopedic injuries. A common misconception is that children are simply “mini adults.” Children’s bodies have unique needs and having someone who understands this is crucial to their health and safety.


This last piece of advice is probably the most difficult to swallow. No athlete wants to take time away from the sport he or she loves. However, this is probably the most important to follow. A healed bone, muscle or ligament does not mean that the body part is necessarily ready to withstand the stresses of cheerleading. Returning quickly, before the injury is truly healed, can lead to re-injury and more time away. Listen to the doctors and physical therapists about criteria for return to sport. Go slow. Gradually work back to those pre-injury skills. Feel strong and confident. Injury is a long road and the destination is worth the journey.


is a physical therapist and owner of Catalyst Physical Therapy in Atlanta, GA.  She is also the mom of CHEERFIT Ambassador Leah, who cheers for the Stingray Allstars. When she’s not busy taking care of Leah and her older brother, she keeps herself fit through Pilates, running, and OrangeTheory Fitness. Secret: she has been caught a time or two sneaking in a CHEERFIT Challenge. 

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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Your Answer to Higher Jumps

Your Answer to Higher Jumps

Jumps… ahhh. You know that dreading feeling you get when it’s time to do the jump section over and over and over and over? Not anymore! Now is the time to embrace them! Having good jumps can definitely set your cheerleader apart from the rest of the pack. As the fitness expert for cheerleaders, I am here to give my tips and dispel some common rumors I hear about jumps.

 Here are my top 5 things to know about jumps (that you wish you knew before)! 


Never sacrifice height in your jump for your technique. Drilling technique constantly will not only make a big difference now, but also as your jumps get higher, you will be able to hyperextend by already having mastered the basics! Here is a great exercise to help you embrace technique and strengthen your legs so that you CAN jump higher!


Many of us may be under the impression that flexibility is the only contributing factor to jump height. While flexibility can help your jumps and stretching should never be devalued, hip flexor strength is VITAL to how high you can bring your legs. Think about it like your hips having the ability to lift your legs all the way up into your jump. Here is one of my personal favorite exercises to strengthen your hip flexors! Do 10 reps each side x 3 rounds


Don’t discount this part of your jump. Especially when you are going to be connecting your jumps, make sure you’re are squeezing and tight in your set. Also, don’t let your feet leave the ground in your set, that slows your momentum and lessens your jump height. Making purposeful set will make transitioning in your connecting jumps and breeze and blow your coaches away! 


For the same reasons the set is important, connecting jump sequences depend on good landings. Landing on your heels is a sure way to give you premature back pain and no fluidity in your sequence. Land on the balls of your feet for good take off into the next jump or tumbling and soft landings!



Last but not least, stay positive! This goes for everything in life, but especially cheerleading! Cheerleading is a sport built on perfectionism, but here at CHEERFIT, we focus on building confidence every step of the way! Your cheerleader is never going to hit it perfect the first time, nor should they! Skills come AND last when you build the foundation first! When you have a solid foundation and strengthen the muscles you need to power up those jumps, your cheerleader’s jumps umps will continue to advance and their confidence will continue to soar! Who is with us on that one? I that’s a YES, check out what being a CHEERFIT Ambassador is all about (www.cheerfittraining.com/join).

A lot of what CHEERFIT promotes is positivity and being a role model to your teammates and beyond. If your child’s teammates see that they are loving jumps and having fun, it will encourage them to work hard as well!

Loving these exercises and feeling CHEERFIT STRONG??

And there you have it, my top 5 tips to help your cheerleader get HIGHER JUMPS in 3,2,1…GO! Let me know your favorite tip in the comments below!

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is the go-to fitness expert for the cheerleading industry and founder of CHEERFIT (www.cheerfittraining.com). Danielle holds national fitness certifications through the American Council on Exercise and specializes in sports conditioning, youth fitness, and group fitness as it pertains specifically to cheerleaders. Danielle has been featured on NBC,Inside Cheerleading Magazine, FITNESS Magazine, Livestrong, Yahoo Beauty, NY Post, American Cheerleader Magazine and more. Through fitness, Danielle focuses on helping cheerleaders build the confidence, strength, and flexibility they need to reach their goals and prevent injury.