
Hi Ya friends!

Wow, October – wow.

Ok so yes September was awesome, and even more awesome is what I learned and how much I grew (well not in height ha, that would have been nice lol). But on a more serious note – I’ve said it once and I will say it again, I truly live by the idea of turning EVERY challenge into an opportunity to learn and  to grow from every experience that life throws at ya. You’ve got to take the good with the bad, the ups with the downs, and remember – what is meant to happen will always find a way.

Hey, things happen, but how you handle the situation is what makes you stronger. You’ve got to learn to roll the punches and just keep on smiling. 


Which brings me to why I have started a little personal project – and I invite you to join!

Yup, it is called the SMILE PROJECT
and it is a personal challenge I have started.

Yes, everyone’s got stuff going on, but it is how you take the ‘stuff’ and turn it into a motivating outlet to push you and challenge you beyond what you even thought was possible.

Here at cheerFIT and in life- I focus on finding that inner sparkle in everything and want to bring that out in everyone. My personal challenge to myself is to get 3 random strangers to smile back when you smile at them. Spread a smile – it goes a long way!

Sounds easy right, WRONG! Originally I thought pshh 3 people a day – dan, that is nothing! Which is why I invite you to give it a try. You’ll see – a direct smile makes some people uncomfortable at first, I mean who in their right mind on the subway in NYC  wants to smile back – but imagine if they did?

I promise you a little smile goes a long way! So with that my friends, I hope you join me on my personal project and keep on smiling : )

Happy October!

Stay FIT,