
“I’m one of those mom’s who stick around during my daughter’s cheer practice.”

My oldest daughter, who is 13 hates it, my younger daughter Savannah, who is a CHEERFIT Ambassador, age 10, loves it. I like watching what they are working on, how they are progressing, etc.


I think after being around so much, I kind of asked if the team needed a Team Mom to take care of correspondence, help coordinate things, etc. For all the Cheer Team Moms out there, this can be such a rewarding thing! This has by far been fun, emotional at times, and so much more than just sending out reminder emails for the coaches. Like everything, you get what you put into it.

Yes, I totally admit I live vicariously through my daughter’s cheerleading. Thank you to their Coaches for allowing me to travel this journey with them. Mom’s…you can bring so much to your daughter’s team. I have sat down with them and told them about my experience with Traumatic Brain Injury (the reaction and emotions were heartwarming and priceless), we have created get well cards for injured coaches, I’ve surprised the girls with a candy table at Easter, Valentines party, motivational quotes in our group chat, and hand out photo collage’s they can hang in their locker or at school after a competition.

The ideas are limitless, and the girls love the encouragement.

Think about volunteering to be a Team Mom for the new cheer season! I promise you won’t regret it.

Don’t forget to join the CHEERFIT Movement with your cheerleader and discover that you can also be #CHEERFITSTRONG.


A mom of three.  My two daughters have been cheering since they were each two years old.  I’ve been a “Cheer Mom” for eleven years and going strong.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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