
Parent’s I get it, you want your cheerleader to be on the best team, and cheerleaders, you want to be on the team with the highest skills. Remember, you have to work toward each skill and goal in order to be the best for yourself and your team, that means what ever team you happen to be placed on. Let’s talk about some tips for overcoming some physical and mental blocks.


To be successful you have to put 95% of your focus into the mental part of the sport along with the 5% of physical portion.  It is so important to stay focused on the skill at hand you are working on. Keep your head in the game, and don’t be distracted by other things going on around you.


So many times I have seen cheerleaders lose focus on the mental part of this sport, simply because they aren’t living and focusing in the moment, they are jumping ahead and that could potentially be grounds for failure.  You want to put your energy in the moment and what you are placing your emphasis on at that time.


One of the most important things I always tell the girls on the team, is “You have to believe in yourself, you have to know you can do it in your mind and in your heart.”  It’s one thing to physically be working on the skills, it’s another thing to have that self-doubt putting that fear into yourself. You need to have to the self-confidence in yourself to know that you CAN do what you are working at.  

Don’t forget to join the CHEERFIT Movement with your cheerleader and discover that you can also be #CHEERFITSTRONG.

Join the CLUB to become a CHEERFIT Ambassador, and let your CHEERFIT journey begin! As an Ambassador, you and your cheerleader will be instantly welcomed into the CHEERFIT fam’ and receive 24/7 access to the Club: weekly workouts, community support, motivation, cheer workout videos, meet-ups, and media opportunities.  Check it out.

Happy Workout! Leave a comment to let us know what your favorite exercise of this workout is!

Tara Hulett

A mom of three.  My two daughters have been cheering since they were each two years old.  I’ve been a “Cheer Mom” for eleven years and going strong.

Loving these exercises and that CHEERFIT STRONG feeling? Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll send you weekly workouts, motivation – woot woot! 

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